We were assigned to create an installation art piece that uses light, sound, form, and space. Projected light has to be the main focus and everything else revolves around that. The light can be from a video or light source or both. Abstract light shapes created in After Effects, Blender, Rhino or our own video has to be projected. The form can be a sculpture that either creates a shadow of light, or some how alters the light. The sound element can be ambient and/ or found sounds. For the space, we must consider these two spaces when creating the piece.
I went with a mesmerizing tunnel animation that was created in After Effects. The animated tunnel starts by moving inward and before the one minute marker, it begins to quickly rotate 360 degrees. When the rotation stops, the tunnel is now moving outward for the duration of the video. Original music was created for the animation by using a program called Reaper.  
Duration: 2 minutes
Music: An original by Diana Barrera made using Reaper
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